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Akka in Action pdf free

Akka in Action pdf free

Akka in Action. Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker, Rob Williams

Akka in Action
ISBN: 9781617291012 | 475 pages | 12 Mb

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Akka in Action Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker, Rob Williams
Publisher: Manning Publications Company

Akka is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM. Rob Bakker and myself are writing a book called Akka in Action. Akka in action presentation used at Xebicon 2013. Zhangyi published Akka in Action on GitBook. Difficult in testing Actors Timing - Sending messages is asynchronous, so it is difficult to know when to assert expected values in the unit test. Akka in Action has 21 ratings and 1 review. Published August 13, 2013 in Programming. Accompanying source code for akka in action. Contribute to akka-in-action development by creating an account on GitHub. Akka-in-action-kv-store - Code produced by a series of live coding sessions to explain the basics of Akka and Spray. By Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker, and Rob Williams. Scalable systems make us face challenges like concurrency, distribution, fault tolerance, elasticity, etc. Akka in Action [Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker, Rob Williams] on Amazon. Foxebook @foxebook 27 Sep 2014. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. These will be cleaned up during production of the book by copyeditors and proofreaders. It is scheduled for final publication in Spring 2013 but 2 chapters are already available. Akka in Action is a comprehensive tutorial on building message-oriented systems using Akka. Chinnel types Other names which are often used for these kind of channels are EventQueue or EventBus. Now the “Akka in Action” book has been announced. This article is an excerpt from Akka in Action.

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